DISS 2025

Code of Conduct for Attendees

DiSS 2025 complies with Code of Conduct for Conference and Workshop Attendees

Code of Conduct for Conference and Workshop Attendees

ISCA is committed to providing a pleasant conference experience without harassment and discrimination for anyone, regardless ofgender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability and physical appearance.  We do not tolerate any verbal or non-verbal expressionsof harassment or discrimination.  Please note that it matters if a person feels harassed or discriminated regardless of the original intent of the expressions. In particular, sexual language and imagery are not appropriate in any conference venue.  Conference participants who engage in inappropriate behavior may be expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizer.  If the case is reported, ISCA Ethics Committee will conduct investigation and decide follow-up actions, which may include suspension of future attendance of the person to ISCA-sponsored events.

If you are troubled by the behavior of other attendees, or notice someone is in trouble, please speak immediately to a member of conference staff or send a message to <ethics@isca-speech.org>.

Your concern will be heard in confidence and taken seriously to solve the problem.