DISS 2025

Code of Ethics

DiSS 2025 complies with ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors.

ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors

ISCA is committed to publishing high-quality journals and conference proceedings.  To this end, all authors are requested to ensure they adhere to ethical standards. Authors should meet the following standards:

(1) The work does not include fabrication, falsification, or any kind of data breach.  Authors should retain their code and maintain a log of the data that produced the results in their paper.  Authors are also encouraged to make their code and dataset freely available.

(2) The work does not include plagiarism or significant self-plagiarism.  The work must be original, and any paper which significantly overlaps with previous work is not allowed.  Proper reference to previous work is also required.  Verbatim copying of work that has been distributed but not refereed, such as technical reports and arXiv articles, is permitted only if the authors are the same.  When the double-blind review scheme is adopted, an additional restriction on pre-print posting may apply.  ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) may use tools to detect (self-)plagiarism and reject papers without review. The work may not be submitted to any other conference, workshop or journal during the review process.

(3) The work does not use figures, photographs, or any other kind of content whose copyright is not owned by or granted to the authors, except for proper quotations allowed by the copyright law.  ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) may request authors to provide evidence of permission to use the content for their work.

(4) The work does not include inappropriate content in terms of human rights.  ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) may request authors to provide evidence of approval from the host Ethics Committee (Institutional Review Board or equivalent) that the work meets their Institution’s ethical requirements, and/or explicit consent from the human subjects involved in the work.

(5) All (co-)authors must be responsible and accountable for the work and content of the paper, and they must consent to its submission. Any generative AI tools cannot be a co-author of the paper. They can be used for editing and polishing manuscripts, but should not be used for producing a significant part of the manuscript.

Ethical Standard checking is not limited to these 5 points.

If any concerns relating to this code are raised or reported, ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) will convene their Ethics Committee to investigate the matter and decide on appropriate action, which may include rejection/removal of the paper (and other papers in the same conference/workshop by the same authors) and suspension of future submissions by the authors.

ISCA also enforces the No-show policy for conference papers.  Any paper accepted into the technical program but not presented on-site may be withdrawn from the official proceedings.  Please refer to https://isca-speech.org/Interspeech-Policy/ point 2) and 8).* Short version: (to be posted in a limited space)

ISCA is committed to publishing high-quality journals and conference proceedings. Our code-of-ethics for authors can be found at:

11 January 2024 (First version 1st August 2019, updated on 1st August 2021, 7th February 2023)